Contact Us

Contact form

If you would like for us to contact you to discuss your case, please call us or fill out and submit the web form below. We will contact you before the end of the next business day to get more information about your situation. If you are contacting us about a matter related to your employment, please provide us with a home or cell phone number, or a private email address.

Please do not send us any other information or provide details about your complaint until we have checked for conflicts of interest. Please read our Consultation Guidelines for details.


    We frequently get calls from individuals in the Central Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley, and Tidewater areas who require additional help on employment and other matters.


    Monday – Friday
    8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

    Consultations By Appointment Only

    Richmond, VA

    (804) 644-9700 


    3 W. Cary Street
    Richmond, VA 23220

    Harrisonburg, VA

    (540) 432-9988 


    1951-D Evelyn Byrd Ave
    Harrisonburg, VA 22801